【iPhone話題アプリ】Cloud Music PlayerDownloader & Playlist Managerの評価・評判、口コミ
Easily download to your device and play offline your favorite music!
Save space on your device and have access to all of your music stored in Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive.
Download all your music to your device to play it without internet (Offline mode).
- Supported formats: mp3, m4a, and wav
- Listen offline – no internet or WiFi needed
- Offline list, to maintain located your download files.
- Sleep timer
- Lock screen playback controls
- Background music playback
- playback with repeat of song or list and shuffle.
- Create, rename, edit playlists
Save space on your device and have access to all of your music stored in Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive.
Download all your music to your device to play it without internet (Offline mode).
- Supported formats: mp3, m4a, and wav
- Listen offline – no internet or WiFi needed
- Offline list, to maintain located your download files.
- Sleep timer
- Lock screen playback controls
- Background music playback
- playback with repeat of song or list and shuffle.
- Create, rename, edit playlists
Cloud Music PlayerDownloader & Playlist Managerのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ
- 話題アプリ認定!
- うーん…。

- 5.0
- ZERO SPEED RE 2017年03月18日
説明が英語なのでわからない人にとってはキツイですが、意外とやり方は簡単ですぐに出来ました。 このアプリのおかげで助かりました。 有難う御座います(o^^o)